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Want to Become a Guest Blogger?

Head over to the homepage to understand what kind of articles we publish here and what kind of articles users engage with the most.

Write content that is solely focused on quality and adding value for readers.

All things books and publishing related
Entertainment and show business
Music reviews and artists
Film/TV reviews
Health, Fitness, and Beauty
Interiors & Design
Food Recipes
Drinks & Cocktail Recipes
Wine Tips & Trick
Food Travel Articles

Posts, links, text, or images promoting or advertising escort or erotic services.

Posts, links, text, or images promoting or advertising adult-oriented affiliate networks, such as pornography site signups.

Posts, links, text, or images promoting gambling & casino

Posts, links, text on topics religion, software development, SEO, debt/loan management, infographics

Posts about terrorism and similar

Free or Sponsored Guest Posts

Acceptable links:

Relevant articles/posts
Sources of data, statistics or research
Resources of value to the reader

Unacceptable links:

Affiliate links
Links to your business website — please place these in your bio instead.
Company social profile links — please place these in your bio instead.

All contributors are solely responsible for the content, originality and accuracy of their submissions. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to edit, refuse to publish or remove any content from the site for any reason whatsoever.

Link to existing guest posts

Guest Writer Guidelines and Expectations

Content that is useful to the readers of this blog.

A unique article which has not been published anywhere else. No copy-pasted articles from anywhere else, even your own site. All submissions will be verified for originality using a tool such as Plagium.com.

At least 800 words (more than 1000 is preferable).

A few quality images to support the article (with full copyright license)

Informational article (should not be self-promoting) and well researched.

Please include a brief author bio (2-3 sentences) in which you can include an additional two links to your social media profiles.

We like internal linking, so include a link or two to a relevant post on our site. You may also link out to other relevant posts on the web if you like – but no more than two links, please. We do review this and may reject the article or request a change if we don’t care about URL choice.


If your article is accepted and published, you agree to grant alltopcollections.com copyright

Submission Process

Once we have received your article submission, our Editorial Department will review the submission to ensure that it meets our submission guidelines.

If we don’t believe the topic you submitted will be of interest to our readers we will reject your post and you will be notified by email.


Submit a guest post!


Email to : webidlima (at) gmail.com

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